What I'm listening to

I picked up a CD by German composer Klaus Schulze last year called Moonlake that has seemed to stay on constant rotation. I bought it after I heard a radio interview with Klaus, which featured some of the tracks, which you can listen to here. The interview is in German, but the music is there too. Growing up I was into what is now called the "masters of electronic music" ie the first people to get into it, such as Jarre, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis etc, but I sort of skipped over Klaus Schulze. I've recently picked up some of his music. He's quite intense, and indiviual, with some pieces lasting upto 30 mins. Some of it is not my cup of tea, but this new CD is really good. Klaus is one of the few 70s synth guys that has actually managed to stay relevant (aside from Kraftwerk, who everyone copied). This CD sounds like it belongs in 2005 and is like a masterclass in electonic music production. Good compositions, good sound design and most importantly, quite engaging. Recommended.
Also Klaus has collaborated with many musicians from the modern electronic dance era such as Pete Namlook and their Dark Side of the Moog X and VIII are worth a listen, for a more ambient take.
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